Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Deluxe Pack Gameboy Advance Jap

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, on Gameboy Advance, was released on February 14, 2003 for Japan. With this title, it seems to be sequel to Final Fantasy Tactics Playstation 1 episode, but it’s really not !
The two games share same world (Ivalice) and same gameplay, with some improvement for Gameboy Advance and that’s all. The tone was really infantile for FFTA, and many players was disappointed about that.
Despite his bad story (for me), It’s still a great tactical RPG, with strong mechanism. I spend more then 100 hours to finish it completely, but I sold the wrong object and never access last mission…
I present you the beautiful Deluxe Pack today, pretty rare I think.
A special box with beautiful art cover !



Many things inside



It’s the regular edition of the game (so I use same pictures for the regular edition ^^)





The eye is a sticker, and I really don’t know why it’s in the box !







A little artbook, with hardcover




Inside, presentations of main characters




And two really cute plush character key chains !




And that’s it for this Deluxe Pack !
There is also an ultimate hits for this game :

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